You know you’re getting old when…

Tomorrow is Donnie’s birthday, and tonight was the only night I could wrangle him away for a quiet date. So we went out for Italian, had great food and nice conversation. Afterwards, we needed to do some shopping, but wanted to stop by the house to put my leftovers in the fridge. So we got home, and we eyed our recliners. We were SO stuffed, and they looked SO inviting, that we plopped down, turned on the news and then laughed at our slovenly selves.

What has our life become?

It wasn’t THAT long ago that we went out on long, romantic dates, then would come home and talk and cuddle and believe me, watching the news was the last thing on our minds. But tonight, we officially crossed a line into true old-fart-dom.

After a while, he wandered off to check his email, and I took a little nap. Then we went to pick up Eli from our friend’s house. We ended the day with an exciting romp through Publix…Eli and I. Donnie went to Auto Zone.

I don’t know…maybe this IS what “dating” is like when you’ve been together almost 20 years and kids preoccupy all your time. We had fun, don’t get me wrong. It’s just funny to reflect on the evolution of our relationship, and wonder what happened to those crazy young’uns who were so hopelessly infatuated so many years ago?