Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Recent Enjoyments

Wasn’t sure if “enjoyments” was a real word. It does appear in a few dictionaries. So we’ll call it real, OK?

On to 10 things I’ve really enjoyed recently…

1. Discovering The 77s channel on Love me some Christian alternative music: 77s, Michael Roe, The Choir, The Lost Dogs. See yesterday’s post for a link to an awesome Choir song.

2. My friend Gina ordered this Fruit and Nut Wrap platter for our MOPS meeting this morning and it was SO good. It would be really easy to make this myself: Flatbread spread with cream cheese and peach preserves, then layered with sliced bananas, and sprinkled with dried cranberries and walnuts; garnished with fresh strawberries.

3. We made this potsticker recipe last night and it was super-yummy. Thank you, Mr. Liu, whoever you are!

4. Seeing the sun shine again! Man, it felt like it was cold, cloudy and rainy forever!

5. Hearing my oldest tell my middle son that he’s pretty much the coolest kid he knows. Brotherly love is such fun to witness — except when it’s in the form of wrestling matches where someone gets hurt. Then, not so much…

6. Actually being in a church service Sunday morning instead of wrangling Jonah in the nursery. (His little snot-nosed self stayed home with dad.)

7. Getting a whole slew of fun, education-based titles to write for the company I freelance for. I have gleaned some excellent ideas for our homeschool via my research. A great deal of them are on this site — check it out!

8. Jonah’s four-hour nap today, and catching a snooze beside him for part of it. Sleep is so divine!

9. Jonah’s crazy, curly bed-head, rosy cheeks, sleepy eyes and cuddling when he first wakes up.

10. Watching American Idol. I’m finding Steve Tyler and JLo much more enjoyable than I thought I would.

Top Ten {Tuesday}

3 replies on “Top Ten Tuesday: 10 Recent Enjoyments”

  1. I love your list! The sun was beautiful to behold, wasn’t it? And it was so wonderful to be able to kick the kids outside again. 🙂 I hope your boys are all well now!

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