‘Tis the Day for It


So far, the only thing we need to exchange is a remote-controlled hovercraft Eli got that doesn’t work properly. I had grand plans of hitting the clearance sales, being at Target when they opened at 7, but…after staying up til nearly 4:00 a.m. to write my column, I crawled out of bed at noon!

We had a nice Christmas. Extended family drama was at an all-time low, and I think I’ll be able to avoid the therapy I was sure would be needed after this holiday. 🙂  Today, I do not plan to get out of my pajamas. I am going to lounge around, read, nap and eat leftovers. The boys (and that includes Donnie) are outside playing with all their new toys: skateboards, remote-control helicopters, a new zip line for the treehouse. So they’re amused, I’m content, and everybody’s happy!