This is profound?

Granted, I never took statistics in college, but I don’t understand why this homeschooling article in USA Today is titled the way it is. When I read the word “profound” I expect truly stunning statistics. These were only so-so, in my opinion.

How, in this economy, is making over $50K/yr. considered wealthy? Most people I know in that income bracket are struggling, and they don’t live extravagant lifestyles. What they should’ve considered is how many children those $50K families are supporting and homeschooling on that salary.

Granted, I’m just looking at the demographics of those I know personally, but I disagree with the implication that homeschooling is a “white” thing. Sure, I’m whiter than Wonder Bread, but there are lots of African-American families in our local homeschooling organizations. I wonder why I haven’t seen many Hispanic or Asian families homeschooling, though?

I will agree that most homeschoolers I know are taught by well-educated parents. Most of my homeschooling friends have college degrees, and even the ones who don’t have an innate love of and passion for learning that makes them great home educators. I don’t think it would be possible to successfully homeschool if the parents weren’t dedicated to learning—something that isn’t necessarily tied to having pursued a college degree.

It was interesting to see that more girls than boys are taught at home now. I remember telling my second grade teacher that I wished my mom could just teach me at home—due to the “mean girl” issues mentioned in the piece—but it was basically unheard-of in those days. I wonder if boys wanting to play sports at school has something to do with the shift as well?

At the moment, there are only eight comments on this article. It’s always interesting to read comments on pieces about homeschooling, if only to see all the prevailing stereotypes that still exist against homeschoolers.  But calling us “white, wealthy, and well-educated” isn’t profound. It’s really quite silly.