Still alive–still busy!

Earlier tonight, I realized I hadn’t been to my blog in a while. I was shocked when I logged on and saw how long it’s actually been. It’s been an extremely busy October for us, what with softball season ending, and planning for a Halloween party, and crazy neighbors going wacko, and designing a website for someone, and visiting friends, and family in town, and teething molars and one kid nearly lopping off his toe with a pitchfork.

Good times.

And in between it all, the usual homeschooling and cleaning and running of Mom’s taxi service, and church stuff, and then freelance writing in ALL my spare time.

It’s definitely a hectic time of year. I also realized that I am a month behind on posting columns, so I will work to remedy that over the next couple of days.

So…just wanted to say “Hi!” and that I’m looking forward to November. Of course, there are no guarantees, but I think at least the first couple of weeks should be a nice period of calm before the holiday madness hits. Just maybe, I’ll find time to blog for fun then!

Be blessed!