Star Wars Day Photos: Top Ten Tuesday

In honor of Star Wars Day (May 4th — “May the Fourth be With You” — get it?) Jonah wore his Yoda hat from last Halloween.

Of course, he didn’t know it was Star Wars Day, so it was just a funny coincidence that he brought it to Zach and begged, “Put it on!” until Zach complied.

Anyway, the crazy kid wore it for about an hour — while having chocolate pudding, then swiping his brother’s toothbrush from the bathroom, and then sneaking not one, but two lollipops from a party treat bag.

So for Top Ten Tuesday, ten pics of pure silly cuteness!

The child loves to brush his teeth.

Unfortunately, it’s often with someone else’s toothbrush.

Which may or may not also end up in the dog’s mouth.

We go through a lot of toothbrushes now…

Eli says that in the next pic, Jonah looks like he’s meditating, like Yoda.

If so, he’s definitely pondering what mischief he’d like to get into next…

“I know! I’ll have a lollipop!”

…or two.

And then another little household ham had to get in on the Yoda-loving fun!