So blessed

I know all of us moms think we have the greatest kids in the world, but I’ve got to tell you…mine has to be one of the sweetest boys ever. Actually, they both are, in their own ways. With Eli, I always know a day will never pass without at least three or four impromtu kisses and a cuddle or two.

But tonight, it was my considerate son Zach who melted my heart. And he didn’t even know he did it. I met a dear friend at Starbucks tonight to catch up on each other’s lives. It was such fun! Before I left the house, I told the kids that I’d see them in the morning, because I probably wouldn’t be home til 11:00 or so.

When I got home at 11:30, the kids were asleep. My husband Donnie told me that Zach had gotten up out of bed just before 11. He told his dad that it he was worried about me being out at night by myself, that it was almost 11 and I wasn’t home yet. Bless his sweet little heart!

He worries too much sometimes…I hate to think of him being up, worried about me! Yet at the same time, it’s touching to know that he still cares that much about his old Ma. He’s going to be a great husband and father some day.

I sure do love my boys.

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