Saturday Nine

1. What was the best thing that happened to you this week?

Discovering a pool that we like and will join for the summer! Now if we can just get Jonah to like it–he was NOT impressed when we went yesterday, to say the least…

The worst?

Overall, it was a good week, so…I apologize in advance for being kind of gross, but trying to figure out why Jonah keeps having icky, mucus-filled, runny poop when he’s clearly not sick. I don’t know what’s messing up the poor tot’s tummy.

2. What’s the best thing someone’s done for you (recently or not so recently)?

Any time someone has given sacrificially of their time or resources, man…nothing humbles you more or makes you feel more loved!

What’s the worst thing someone’s done to you (again, recently or not so recently)?

Without naming names, when people we thought we were close to totally used us. No, that wasn’t the worst…the worst was when someone has hurt one of my kids. Grrr….

3. What’s the best thing about your job?

Which one? LOL I’d have to say the best thing about all the work I do is that I get to do it at home and be with my kids.


Again, which one? LOL Probably my biggest gripe is dealing with companies that aren’t willing to pay what a piece of writing is worth–and particularly ones who want writers to work for free. Yeah, there’s nothing else we want to be doing with our time than creating content that will pad your pockets while we go broke. GREAT way to do business.

4. What’s the best new website you’ve found? — got an excellent deal for half-off clothing at Old Navy this week!


Honestly can’t think of one…

5. What’s the best book you’ve read?

Besides the Bible? Probably the Little House on the Prairie series. It’s like comfort food in a book…I still love reading them even as an adult.


Self-aggrandizing “auto” biographies…because you know they hired a ghostwriter to make themselves sound good.

6. What’s the best movie you’ve seen?

Way too many to list, but recently, it was “Shrek Forever After”. Such a cute, fun, entertaining story!


That’s a toughie, because I don’t last more than a minute through bad movies. Oh, wait…there was that two hours of my life I wasted on “Chicago” thinking it would get better. But it never did. Just thinking about it makes me shudder. HOW did that piece of tripe win so many awards?

7. What’s the best meal you’ve had?

I’ll have to go with recent best, and that was the meal my sister and I shared at a Thai restaurant two weeks ago. MMM!


A bowl of cereal. I know, plenty of folks love the stuff, but it’s very rare that I ever choose to eat it. I have issues with cereal.

8. What’s the best holiday?



Ummm…Obama’s birthday? LOL

9. What’s the best thing in your future?

Hopefully, granddaughters–lots of ’em! I am way overdue for someone to have tea parties with.


Dealing with this stupid autoimmune disease that’s flaring up today. I keep praying for a really long remission like a friend of mine has had for ten years. It can happen!

Click HERE to play along and create your own best and worst list!