Saluting all Veterans today

This cartoon reminds me of when Donnie’s unit came back from Iraq. Their plane made a stop in Bangor, Maine around 3:00 in the morning. When they disembarked, there were dozens of retired VFW members there to greet them, with food and handshakes and words of thanks. Donnie still gets choked up when he remembers that. I kinda do, too, and I wasn’t even there. The cameraderie of the military is really a beautiful thing. I feel blessed that we were able to experience that…and still do, now from the retired side of the fence.

If you’re in the Atlanta area, please consider joining us tonight for an interfaith Veteran’s Day service  at St. Bede’s Episcopal Church. And if not, thank a Veteran today. And maybe consider doing something nice for a soldier this holiday season. Two of my favorite military support organizations are Operation Sandbox  and Noanie/Operation Band Aid. You can’t imagine how much it means to a soldier to get mail while they’re deployed…honestly, it’s the highlight of their day. I know money is tight for most of us this year, but even a card can brighten a soldier’s day. 😀