Pirate Adventure Island Open at Legoland


It’s no secret to anyone who reads my blog that I’ve got some Lego-lovin’ boys in this house.

They’re always excited to visit Legoland Discovery Center in Atlanta, but especially when there’s something totally new to check out.

We’ve seen on previous visits that something new was being built, but we had no clue what Pirate Adventure Island would be like.

As six-year-old Jonah declared, “IT. IS. AWESOME!”

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There is a water feature!

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And not just a water feature, but a super-cool one where you can build a Lego ship and then race yours against your friends’ boats!

And…there’s a super-giant climbing structure shaped like a pirate ship!

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Granted, my 14-year-old Lego-lover wasn’t interested in climbing (and was probably too big anyway), but my also-14 daughter surprised me by building something with me while we waited on the boys to do their thing.

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(Note Eli’s wet shirt from the boat races)

I’m not sure what I built. It kinda reminded me of a meditation garden I saw on HGTV once. I left it atop the bin. Maybe some kid found it the next morning and turned it into something really cool?


Probably not. She or he would’ve been FAR too busy reveling in all the new pirate-y goodness!
