Pictures from Halloweens Past

Me, at the ripe old age of 19, dressed up like a man and painting faces outside the old Precision Photo in the Kroger shopping center:

Zach, his second Halloween, totally despising his Tigger hood!

Zach at age 2, my calmer, happier little Mickey:

Eli’s first Halloween, escaping from the pumpkin. Note the scar on his face—he’s always been into everything!

And Zach, the same year (2002) with the finished painted pumpkin:

Eli “Hulk” and Zach “Darth Vader” in 2005, at a Halloween party hosted by our friends, Pam and Todd.

The following year, Eli was Spiderman and Zach was a dog-walker. Our sweet now-deceased dogs are in the picture, in costume, too. Tonya had a white stripe painted down her back, as a skunk, and Molly was in workout clothes.

Me, in 2008 as the Fall Fairy, with my grandmother Honey admiring my wings. Now she has a pair of her own…

And Eli “Hammerhead” and Zach “Alien Abduction” the same year:

And last but not least, last year, with our new little pumpkin, so cute and crying: