Our Halloween

Just wanted to share some photos from our Halloween. It was rainy and dreary, but we still had fun!

Eli as Jingo Fett from Star Wars, and Zach as an old lady carrying a baby on her back:


And my little pumpkin, who is a total cuddle-bug and NOT at all happy when not being held:



And two cool Jack O’Lanterns; the first, Zach’s original design. And the second, Eli’s pumpkin, which Donnie ended up carving into a really cool design. Next year, I’m buying us old folks our own pumpkins to carve. It’s fun!



One reply on “Our Halloween”

  1. Love the new photos of your three sons! Guess that should read granny and the big baby and the Jingo Fett! The little Jonah Pumpkin is so sweet! Looks like he had a little bit of a sore back and didn’t want to be put down! Good job on the pumpkins, too! Yeah, you really need to get a pumpkin for each of you next year so you and D can join in the fun. LOL
    Love u all,

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