Moments with Eli: The Afro

Eli and I were chatting while driving to a birthday party Saturday.

“Hey, Mom…know what I want to do?”


“I want to let all of my hair grow out really long, into a BIG Afro—and then I want to paint it like the Earth!”

(Where does this kid get this stuff???)

“And it has to have Spain and Egypt.”


So, being the creative mom that I am, I had to make him a little preview on Picnik.

Tee hee!

Suddenly, I’ve got the urge to sing, “He’s got the whole world, on his head…”

One reply on “Moments with Eli: The Afro”

  1. There is no telling what this sweet boy will dream up next!!! He is a hoot! Love my little boy so much – just need to actually see him for great hugs! Thanks for sharing your family with me, Kari! I love you all!

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