The Mama 500

It’s so funny, the things you let your kids do to you.

Yesterday morning, I woke up to the sensation of engine sounds and something dragging across my arm.

I opened my eyes to this:


It turns out that my body was my son’s car track. He was making all the proper engine noises and running it up and down my arms and legs and even across my forehead.

I said, “Alright, alright…I’m getting up….”

“No! I’m not done driving yet!”

So I just stayed there and made a raised bridge out of my folded arms and he thought that was hilariously fun.

And it was all fun and games until my arms got tired, and he zoomed off into the tangled mass atop my head. AND the car got stuck.

I grumbled and untangled and lost about 20 much-needed hairs in the process, and when I gave the “car” back to him, he made sure to say….

“It’s NOT a car, Mom! It’s a golf cart.”