Happy Valentine’s Day!

In case you haven’t noticed, I love vintage art. Especially for the holidays.

I just enjoyed a wonderful Valentine’s dinner (from Chez Zaxby’s — tee hee!) with not one handsome man, but FOUR! How lucky am I?

Unfortunately, an accident involving the youngest of my handsome men kept me from making homemade dark chocolate truffles as I’d planned to for King Daddy’s present. As I shut the upper cabinet door from getting out the cocoa, a heavy Rubbermaid bin fell down on poor Jonah’s face and cut him under the eye.

It doesn’t look so bad in the pictures, but it was scary to see one’s child crying blood (before I figured out where he’d been cut). The pediatrician checked him over, and both of us thanked God that it wasn’t 1/8th of an inch higher. If so, I might’ve spent my Valentine’s Day at the children’s hospital instead of at home with my loved ones.

I fully expect Jonah to have his first real shiner in the morning.

Never a dull (or romantic) moment in this house full of boys!