Friday Fill-Ins

1. My favorite month is October because I adore fall, cooler weather, changing leaves, blankets on the bed, sweaters and HALLOWEEN!!!

2. There’s nothing quite as delightful as a fresh breeze.

3. I love to sniff Yankee Candles in fall scents.

4. A pumpkin spice latte is what I like to have as a treat for breakfast.

5. The hobby I enjoy most is painting. (Canvases and crafts, not houses!)

6. I actually got decent sleep last night— oh my!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to somebody’s softball game–I forget which kid has one, tomorrow my plans include more softball, writer’s group and homemade pizza for dinner and Sunday, I want to go to church and relax with my family!

For more Friday Fill-Ins, click here.

3 replies on “Friday Fill-Ins”

    1. Oh yes, there will be lots of both! LOL Good to know others love those lazy Sunday afternoons! 🙂

  1. Yankee Candles are so wonderful – I was just thinking about buying some more the other day, and taking my old ones out now that it is nice and cool out 🙂

    Have a wonderful weekend –

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