Dusty Confessions

I shared this funny card on Facebook yesterday:


I found it particularly hilarious because just the day before, my sister stood in my living room, saw this:


And asked, “Getting an early start on your Halloween decor?”

I wasn’t offended — I cracked up and said, “Maybe.”

But yes, folks — I have real, gen-u-wine cobwebs in my living room because the only thing I hate more than a messy house is cleaning house.

A couple of friends sent me messages confessing about the dust problem in their homes, and one suggested it would be fun to have a contest to see who has the worst dust build-up. I think it’s a great idea, and welcome you to send me a pic of your worst dusty surface. I’ll do another blog post showcasing them if I get enough responses!

I’m sure that my born-organized, cleaning-addicted friends are mortified at the thought of anyone letting their house get to this state, MUCH LESS post pictures of it online.

I see it as group therapy of sorts; proof that even though many of us struggle to stay on top of the housework, we are NOT alone!

So, who’s brave enough to send me a pic of your dustbunnies? I think I’ll take a pic of my printer for that next post. But I’ll write my name in the dust first.