Wordless Wednesday: Pumpkin Overload

Actually it’s just a semi-Wordless Wednesday, because I have to share Eli’s comment when he saw my breakfast today: pumpkin spice bagel, with pumpkin spice cream cheese and coffee with pumpkin spice creamer. “Don’t you think…that maybe…that’s a bit of PUMPKIN OVERLOAD???” To which I replied… (Those are even broken, pumpkin-shaped sugar cookies in the …

The Soap Spartan

Eli: “Mom, I’m not the Tooth Fairy. I’m not Santa Claus, or the Easter Bunny. I am the Soap Spartan!!!” Me: “Ohhhkaaayyyy….” Eli: “My good deed is that I sneak around and refill the soap bottles when no one is looking!” (Have I mentioned lately how much I love that kid?) Me: (Laughing) “Well, I …