Blue Man Group Dazzles Atlanta


Blue Man Group is on its first U.S. theatrical tour, and Broadway in Atlanta has brought them here! Trust me — you don’t want to miss this!

It’s a little hard to explain what you’re in for. Toss together percussive techno music, special effects, a load of laughter and some crowd interaction and you’ll get an idea of what the show is like.

My son Eli and I got to go the opening performance tonight and we both agree — Blue Man Group is something you have to see live at least once.

BMG Collage

Of course, as we were walking out of the theater, we were talking about the next time we see them. So I’m pretty sure this isn’t the last time we’ll partake of their brand of wonderfully wacky weirdness.

The video below gives you a little taste of what we enjoyed tonight:

I think our favorite part was near the end, when they released the giant balloons into the audience. Eli got to bounce one, but it fell just beyond the reach of my fingertips. Dangit!


Blue Man Group is a delightful dash of craziness in a world that takes itself far too seriously. Showing at the Fabulous Fox Theatre in Atlanta now through April 12th, the time to catch this amazing performance is short.

So go, go while you have the chance!