Autumn kisses

Did you feel it this morning? If you weren’t here in Georgia, you missed it. But Autumn swooped in and tickled us with her gloriously cool hands, and I can’t wait, I just can’t wait, for fall.

It’s a sweet 64 degrees–so rare for August. Every window is open, the curtains are barely swaying to the music of the birds singing, a black crow is cawing. Honestly…you just couldn’t ask for a lovelier gift than this cool, fresh air after months of being cooped up in air conditioning 24/7.

I know that by this afternoon, it will be roasting again, and the windows will be closed once more, but summer’s time is running out. How fun that Autumn showed up for a little surprise visit, to reassure me that my favorite season will soon be here.

One reply on “Autumn kisses”

  1. Meanwhile, some of us are praying the temps will get UP past 64 degrees a few more times before summer holidays are over … summer in my corner of Eastern Canada has been very cool and rainy and there haven’t been nearly enough pool/beachworthy days. Two weeks before the kids head back to school and I’m praying autumn stays away a bit longer. Can we send our weather down to you? (you might appreciate the temperatures, but not the rain, drizzle and fog!!)

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