Moments With Eli

It took a while having Jonah’s portraits made at Olan Mills this afternoon. Then my mom and I spent ages figuring out which poses and package we wanted to buy. Eli was awesome at getting Jonah to smile for the camera, but after that part was over, he was understandably bored. Oh so bored. Remember what it was like to be seven years old, when a boring half-hour felt like a week, at least?

Eli was wandering around the lobby with my dad, who was pacing the floor with Jonah, trying to lull him to sleep. Eli noticed how all the people in the large portraits on the walls seemed to be looking right at him, no matter where he was in the room.

He said to my dad, “Papa, look. Everywhere I go, those people on the walls are staring right at me!”

Then Mr. Drama King held his face in mock terror and animatedly exclaimed, “What do they want from me???”

I really need to get that child enrolled in acting classes next fall. I think my little goofball is a natural!