A glimpse into our wackiness

I’m not gonna lie–it’s been a rough couple of months at our house. Non-essential tasks have fallen by the wayside, and that includes regular blogging.

But this kind of stuff that I’m posting today…this is what keeps me going. I am so grateful for a family that knows how to laugh!


Earlier today, this conversation transpired. (If you didn’t know, one of our dogs is named Ginger.)

“Hey, Eli–bring me a ginger ale, please.”

“Sure, Mom. Hey! I didn’t realize our dog makes her own beer!”


“But of course!” I replied. “She is one industrious pup!”

And then it all made sense to Eli…

“Well, THAT explains why she’s always escaping. She’s gotta go run that distillery!”

Gingers Pale Ale Label

**Coming soon to a grocer near you!**

Yesterday, Jonah insisted that I take a picture of the happy eggs cooking on the stove.


“Yay! Eat me! Eat me!”

He just laughed and laughed again when he saw me posting this.

OH, and while I’m posting…have you ever seen scarier face swaps?


I look like a geriatric geisha girl and Jonah looks like my father!

Then we have Donnie and Jonah….bwahahaha!


Donnie looks like the bearded lady at the carnival and I think we have a realistic glimpse of what Jonah will look like in 50 years!

Here’s hoping that this glimpse into our everyday wackiness brought a smile to your Monday-flavored-Tuesday.
